Unfortunately, the test that was done awhile ago that found that FGFR2 mutation is not acceptable for the clinical trial. It was a new test that is currently in research. I will have to have another biopsy so that can test it the acceptable way for the clinical trial. Let’s hope and pray that they find the FGFR2 mutation as that is mandatory to be considered for the trial.
I’ll go to Mass General for this biopsy. They’ll be calling soon with the date and time.
Yesterday I had my last chemo for a while. I requested removal of the cisplatin so I feel pretty good today. Ray and I are going to join in the St. Pat’s celebrations today at Pappy’s and the Prospect. Will meet up with some family at Pappy’s and friends at Prospect. Looking forward to a good day.
Kitchen backsplash is in. Bruce and Ray hope to get started on putting it up on Sunday. Can’t wait to see it up. According to Ray it is a process and as different things are done, there is a 24 hour wait period for things to set. So it’ll be a while before it’s done.
Julie will be home on Wednesday! Can’t wait to see her and spend some time with my wonderful daughter!
Maybe the snow will stop by then! LOL! Hopefully by our beach vacation July 4th!
You are my strength! Thanks for all your prayers and support! Love to all!