Archive | August 2015

July 30th Visit to MGH

Went to Boston on July 30th. Had an eye appointment, blood draw and met with Dr. Zhu. We talked about my side effects–muscle aches, hair loss, mouth inflammation and a fingernail coming away from my finger. We discussed the fact that I’m managing all these as best I can. He said, ‘this is exciting and can’t wait for the next CT scan’. Also got my pill supply for August. All is well. A few days later I found out that my CA19-9 number is now 24. The last blood work it was 25. After the huge jump from 242 to 36 at the end of May this number is anti-climatic. BUT it’s going down, so that’s a good thing.

I’ve been feeling really good and managing my side effects pretty well. My mouth has calmed down and only gets irritated once in a while. I have a couple of cold sores on the corners of my mouth, but they too are getting better. The funny thing is that my hair is growing!!!! There is no hair in the original bald spots, but it’s growing everywhere else. It’s coming in a mix of white, gray and black!!! The way my hair grows I may be sporting a new hairdo for Jay and Heather’s wedding!!!

Ray’s been busy helping out with the Jack & Jill party for Jason and Heather. That’s Saturday, August 15th at the P&F Pond in East Hartford from 2 pm to 8 pm. It’s going to be a Mexican Fiesta!!! It’ll be a fun time! There will be plenty of Mexican food, games, gambling, raffles–with some exciting stuff. Looking forward to seeing everyone and making it a special day for Jason and Heather.

I’ve been busy working on a few projects and doing day to day stuff like cleaning and laundry and grocery shopping. I’m enjoying that I can now do the simple things in life that I didn’t have the energy to do before.

I’ve acquired quite a wardrobe of scarves. And depending on my mood, I’ll wear a scarf or my wig when I go out.

Next MGH visit is August 20th for a CT scan and an ECHO cardigram (or something like that–something with my heart). Then August 27th for the regular eye exam, blood work, visit with doctor and supply of pills for September. Hope to have the CT scan results within a week or so after the scan. Will update when I get them.

Vacation July 2015

I think I mentioned in last post that I’d do an update on our vacation. As usual, thanks to Ray, we had great weather. He actually did research on the weather years ago and found that the 2nd week in July more times than not was one of the best weeks in the summer.   Last year we decided to rent for two weeks and did the same this year.  It turns out that the first week of July isn’t too bad either!

Julie and me chilling on the beach.

Julie and me chilling on the beach.

We just love the cottage we rent. It’s a block to the beach so it’s an easy walk down the street–unless you’re pushing the beach cart. Fortunately, I usually don’t have to do that!

Julie was with us for almost the entire 2 weeks and we had a great time. Jason and Heather came for the first weekend. Poor Heather was sick all weekend.  She was burning up with a fever when we left on Saturday.  She spent most of the time there in bed.  They ended up staying until Monday afternoon and then headed home.  They came back on Thursday and stayed until Monday. And then Jason came back Thursday night, before Julie left.

Fireworks 2015

Fireworks 2015

We arrived on July 4th.  Julie has a couple of friends that their families have places in South Kingston and we were invited there to see some fireworks.  We didn’t know what to expect, but what an awesome show.  We were on the beach and the fireworks were shot off directly over our heads.  It was crazy!  I’d never been so close to fireworks before.  I felt like a little kid, smiling from ear to ear!  And cheering with each display!  According to one of the guys, there are 3 or 4 families that have a competition going to see who can shoot off the best fireworks show every year.  They outdid themselves.  We’re looking forward to going again next year.

Jason & Heather’s friend John came down a couple of times and Shawn & Trish came down once. Had a great time with these great friends of theirs.

Julie and I had a few days to ourselves as Ray went back to East Hartford to golf in his league and did other things when Julie and I went to the beach. The day Ray went back to East Hartford, Julie and I had a great day at the beach. Then we went out to dinner at the 99. Then we went shopping at the JC Penney’s and T J Maxx. We had fun and bought a few things. They were having a great sale at Penney’s. I got a dress for the wedding!

Julie, Ray and I went to Mystic Shoppes one day. I love that place. We went to a store I had gone to last year where I hoped to get a beach scene picture for our new sun porch and they didn’t have any. I was disappointed. But Julie said, ‘Mom why don’t you just use one of the beach pictures you’ve taken at Misquamicut or other places you’ve been.’ Duh! What a great idea! Also went to my favorite Irish store and got myself a nice pullover sweater, a fleece and a small quote plaque for the porch. Of course I couldn’t leave there without going to the Christmas store where I always buy a few tree decorations. Also went into the General Store and bought a 1,000 piece puzzle of a cottage on the water.  Great trip. We had a great time and ate lunch at the Friendly’s across the street. And, a nice Irish lady waited on us!

I had just started Cycle 3 of the ‘magic pills’ the Thursday prior to us going on vacation. The middle of the first week Ray cooked chicken breasts on the grill for dinner. When I had my first bit it hurt my mouth and was very irritating! He had only put salt and pepper on it. It was like the pepper was 100% intensified. So I cut away the outside and ate the middle. The remainder of the vacation I had no spices on any foods, including mustard or ketsup. I kept doing my mouth rinses and magic mouthwash throughout the vacation. I also found an arthritis/muscle pain killer for my muscle pain. It’s 650 mg. Take 2 every 8 hours and they really work to ease the pain I’ve been having. Most days I only take 2 in the morning. If needed, I will take 2 more 8 hours later.

My hair was thinning every day at the beach. If I just touched it, I had a handful of hair. That is why I had it shaved as soon as we returned from vacation.

Storm Brewing at Misquamicut 7-2015

Storm Brewing at Misquamicut 7-2015

The second week the Turkis Circus came to town! That’s when we really started having fun! The guys-Ray, Bruce, Jay and Adam–did a lot of golfing and had a lot of fun. They always had great stories to tell when they got back.  Julie, Diane, Alisha and I went to Watch Hill one day and did some shopping. That’s where I got a few of my scarves. The fun stop is the candy store there. Can’t go to Watch Hill without getting some candy. And, of course, drove by Taylor Swift’s mansion, because there’s no other way out of there, and just saw all the guards milling around. I think she was on a tour because I know that Gabrielle, my niece, was going to her concert at Gillette Stadium the end of July.

The 1,000 piece puzzle soon became the challenge of the week.  At any time of day or night Julie, Jay or Heather would be working away at putting the pieces together.  There were a few times when I found some pieces and Ray chipped in too.  It was all put together by mid-week.  It was beautiful.  I wanted to frame it, but was voted down on that idea.  LOL.

All in all it was another successful vacation — lazy days on the beach, the guys golfing, playing fun games at night with Julie’s phone, great games of dice and washers, good food–including our annual seafood fest, good drink, great people, good fun and lots and lots of laughs!